美国Aperture Optical Sciences Inc.(AOS)提供当今世界上最独特的定制高精度光学仪器和系统。AOS开发和采用先进技术制造非球面反射镜(aspheric mirrors)和透镜(lenses),碳化硅光学器件(SiC optics),高能量激光系统上用的光学器件(optics for high energy lasers),和并提供和开发先进材料的处理。 AOS目前还提供Large Aperture actuated mounts and beam stearing systems。 AOS的光学系统,部署在飞机视觉系统,工业扫描仪,采用先进的激光和遥感应用的研究设施里。AOS诚邀您来探索它们的标准产品,以及与我们联系为您定制的光学要求。 高精度非球面光学镜-Precision Aspheric Optics (PAO) AOS和日本Okamoto Optics 公司合作,建立先进的制造复杂的利用各种材料生产非球面光学元件的各种工艺,这些材料包括:光学玻璃和坚硬的陶瓷如,碳化硅等。日本Okamoto Optics提供了一套先进的商业化生产设施,为世界各地的在科研,半导体,航空航天,天文,医疗等行业的客户提供服务。AOS和Okamoto Opitcs 一起为我们的客户提供全面的生产解决方案。 主要特征: 1) 光学测量:
加上球形和平面组合的基准元件。最近,我们已经很顺利地在我们日本的工厂加上了QEDs SSI-A
(MRF)和Zeeko Robotic抛光技术。通过我们这些我们自己的专有软件分析和保形抛光能力,
2) Zeeko Robotic抛光技术:
3) MRF抛光技术:
AOS和日本Okamoto optics合作,为我们全球客户提供定制的光学器件,光学仪器和系统。
详细的data sheet,请:Click here to download data sheet. 离轴抛面镜-Off-Axis Parabolic (OAP) Mirrors 离轴抛物面镜(OAP)今天被用于整个复杂的反射光学系统。我们得在光束扩散系统,准直器,机载成像系统,望远镜,和高能量激光聚焦元件中使用OAP。OAPs提供紧凑型的几何形状,折射光学系统的光学设计简化,很宽的光谱范围内的成像精度非常高等的优点。 主要特征:
高精度离轴非球面表面是通过使用7轴机器人平稳的固定磨料金刚石研磨而成。 AOS第一个做出了非球面所需的理想的数学描述样品,通过内部开发的软件和程序操作细磨操作,该操作使用3D机械探测和机器人小工具磨床的组合。此操作扩展到使用干涉表面表征和使用Zeeko机器人抛光的抛光制度。表面的粗糙度的特点是采用白光扫描干涉轮廓。成品镜子是可在多个配置选项。我们的应用工程师可以与您确定您所需要的参数。
Geometry of an Off-Axis Parabola 有效的定义:
Parent Axis: The optical axis normal to the center of the parent parabola.
Segment Axis: The axis of the off-axis parabola segment drawn parallel to the parent axis and corresponding to the geometric center of the off-axis segment surface. *Parent Focal Length (fp): The distance from the vertex to the focus along the parent axis. This spec is fundamental to all parabolas – even those off-axis. Segment Focal Length (fs): The distance from the geometric center of the surface of the off-axis segment to the focal point. *Off-Axis Angle (OAA): The angle subtended between the segment axis and the segment focal length. *Off-Axis Distance (OAD): The distance between the parent axis and the segment axis. Some manufacturers define this as the distance from the parent axis to the inner edge of the segment – we do not because measuring this quantity is less reliable and prone to higher errors. The center of the parabola is a more reliable datum point. Sag (Z) : The displacement of surface from the vertex, at the radial distance (r) from the parent axis. Departure from Sphere (d): It is often useful to determine the difference in sag between the parabola surface and the sag of the best-fit sphere. This quantity is known as the "departure from sphere" and determines the degree of apherization. This often has a bearing on the level of difficulty in manufacturing. Form Error: Also called "Figure Error" or "Surface Irregularity". This is the departure from the perfect intended surface contour. For optics of size > 100 mm form error applies to errors of spatial scale length greater than 10mm. See also ISO 10110 for general definitions. Mid-Spatial Frequency (MSF) Error: Periodic surface ripples of spatial scale length between 0.1 mm and 10 mm (some definitions extend this to 33 mm). See AOS Technical Note on MSF Error for a more detailed description. See also ISO 10110 for general definitions. Roughness: Surface errors of scale length 0.0025 mm to 0.080 mm. See also ISO 10110-8-2010 for more general definitions. AOS的技术能力:
详细的data sheet,请:Click here to download data sheet. AOS技术能力
详细的data sheet,请:Click here to download data sheet. 标准参考平面-Master Reference Flats 标准的参考平面或镜子的可用尺寸从4英寸到24英寸和校准的平整度可达λ/30。AOS和其合作伙伴日本Okamoto Optics一起提供销售,服务和工程支持。可以按照您的要求提供综合设计及组装服务。我们采用先进的成套的技术及工艺,生产可靠的高品质商业,航空航天和国防,科研和工业制造应用光学产品。我们的美国工厂通过NIST可溯源校验测量认证。 主要技术特点:
•Size : 100-650 mm
•Flatness : up to 6 nm RMS •Surface Quality : up to 20-10 •Coatings : Al+SiO for R> 90% (additional coatings available) •Special Designs : on request •Materials: Fused Silica, Ohara ClearCeram-Z®, Schott Zerodur® Corning ULE®, SiC, additional options available 主要技术参数: 详细的data sheet,请:Click here to download data sheet. 定制干涉仪-custom interferometers AOS和日本Okamoto Optics一起合作,为客户的特殊波长和应用,提供定制的,集成的干涉仪。 光学器件
任何光学系统质量的开始都始于光学器件的质量。我们在位于先进制造业中心的日本Okamoto Optics生产重要的光学元器件和镀膜。从紫外,可见,红外光学的,我们的垂直整合是业界领先的性能的关键。
技术支持,培训和服务 在现场或在我们的康州的中心,在我们自己的设备上或者许多商业可用系统上,提供校准,技术支持和服务。
附件 我们设计自定义的安装和设备,使您的测试要求更精确,更容易.
校准 我们已经开发出了自己独特的软件和硬件校准干涉。系统错误文件可以创建和维护,让您的测试工程师和技术人员能够快速识别和鉴定的干涉中的错误。我们的培训服务,将使您减少生产测量中系统错误,使您能够收取更高的精确度数据减去系统误差。
孔径:Up to 1000 mm 附件: Beam Expanders Custom Mounts Reference Optics Phase Upgrades Custom Software Calibration Services Repair Services 可选件: Full-surface "self calibration" Automated alignment controls Multi-wavelength Systems 技术参数: 请参考下面或者咨询我们:
•4 or 6 inch interferometers can be expanded up to 28 inches in diameter : Click here to download data sheet.
•We also design custom tip-tilt stages and optical mounts for metrology applications and for beam delivery and stearing applications. When combined with our laser optics products we can provide complete opto-mechanical systems : Click here to download data sheet. 另外AOS还为您提供其他激光系统中的光学元器件,请点击AOS网站进行查看:http://www.apertureos.com
Jeff Li (李军锋) |